Tuesday, April 28, 2020

No Matter How Hard it Gets

No Matter how difficult life may be, it is, and I am.
I wake up and breathe the air that the world I am in provides me, realizing that I am told everything I know.  Through tradition and trust I must accept the facts as they are known.  The facts could very well be misleading.  What if I am on an entirely different planet?  What if I am not actually a human?
What if Earth is the center of the universe instead of the Sun?  It could very well be that information is meant to miseducate instead of educate.  I don't know.  I do know one thing though no matter how hard it gets we still gotta carry on, living in a dream heaven and hell come and take a ride with me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Aliens Real or Fake? You Decide.

What Governs our Way of Thinking?  If the Imagination is Governed then so are You.  Right?

When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear.  Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illumined faith, and fear into love.  Despite the tarnishing of the word, Masonry is a religion seeking to unite God and man by elevating its initiates to that level of consciousness whereon they can behold with clarified vision the workings of the Great Architect of the Universe. (Manly P. Hall)

If one really thinks about it, you would realize that we have been indoctrinated our entire lives.  If the indoctrinations were all True and uplifting it wouldn't be an issue.  Yet, we are led to believe many lies that begin at childhood.  The hijacking of our imagination sets the stage for how you will begin to think of any subject.  For instance, you are told from an early age that God is a he, or that you are White, or Black.  We all usually follow our parents way of religion....some branch out to search and find their own beliefs...., but many continue on the path of indoctrination.  Then it perpetuates itself farther in schools, and pressure of society to conform.  Often I have found that the official Truth is just the agreed upon version of the Truth, not necessarily true.  When it comes to conquering, and also controlling the masses to One's advantage then it is important to paint an image to make yourself appear benevolent. I believe that the forces of evil that have decieved this world have done a damn good job.  Don't take my word for it, however I do ask that you take a look at some of the information contained in this blog.  Comments are welcome.  (Shalom)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What is and What is not is inside of You.   And so I Am......
It is not proper to watch other people. This will not help your practice. If you are annoyed, watch the annoyance in your own mind. If others' discipline is bad or they are not good monks, this is not for you to judge. You will not discover widsom watching others. Monks' discipline is a tool to use for your own meditation. It is not a weapon to use to criticize or find fault. No one can do your practice for you, nor can you do practice for anyone else. Just be mindful of your own doings. This is the way to practice.

- Ajahn Chah, "Bodhinyana"