Friday, December 18, 2009

Sometimes I Laugh Inside

I sit at 4:30 a.m. listening to my Pandora as Snoop Dogg is playing in the background of my mind on and on with the internet radio. My phone just went off and I am hesitant about looking at the number. Why? Maybe because it is so early. I wouldn't want bad news this early in the morning.
I laugh inside.
Everywhere on this earth there is something occurring in more than one place at the same time. People being born, people dying. People going to prison, people being released. Wars. Drugs. Racial issues. Everything everywhere is similar to something somewhere else. Thanks to the internet the world is shrinking. I find all information to be valuable at some point. The amount of value found in the information is to the individuals likings I suppose. I laugh inside.
What the hell am I doing up so early. The coffee is calling me. No says my right and left hand responding to the subconscious to continue typing. I am nonchalant, and I think I will make that cup of Joe. I laugh inside .....

1 comment:

  1. This brings it to a whole new level of what people are doing everywhere. This is a really cool link, I think you will like it.
